Surfing Life 314: The Centenary Of Australian Surfing.
Australian surfing is 100 years young; let’s discover our past and define our future.
This summer Australian surfing will turn 100. It’s already been a century since The Duke arrived on our shores with an oversized, wooden board and the wave-riding skills needed to stand upright on it on a two-foot, Sydney summer peeler. In those one hundred years we’ve come a long way. We’ve got more world champions than any other nation, the most radical free surfers, the hottest pack of up-and-coming grommets, a greater number of men and women on the World Tour, and we’re at the forefront of innovation in surfing and shaping. We started the surf industry and we created the pro tour; we have done more for surfing than any other nation on Earth, all in 100 measly years…
Issue 314 of Surfing Life will tell you all about Australia’s surfing past ONLY because we want you to know more about its future. There’s a long, rich and often sordid history of surfing in Australia and a lot of its actors and events are important and relevant to us today. We can’t know where we’re going until we have a really good idea of where we’ve been, and this magazine tells all the important stories.
Surfing Life 314 isn’t just the story of Australian wave riding’s past, it’s the road map to its future.