- your server address
- the date and time of your visit to the site
- the pages accessed and documents you downloaded
- the site that directed or referred you to us eg. a search engine
- the type of browser you used
- your top-level domain name (eg. .com, .au, .gov, .uk etc).
No attempt will be made to identify you or your browsing activity except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may produce a warrant to inspect our ISP’s logs.
We will only record your email address or other details you provide if you send us a message to request more information or opt-in to participate in one of our online or text message services.
Your details will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided them (ie to receive editorial content and issue release notifications from Surfing Life and/or White Horses only) and will not be added to any other mailing list without your express permission. We will not use or disclose them to anyone else without your prior consent.
Our Privacy Policy and our approach to privacy adheres to the Australian Government’s National Privacy Principles contained within the new Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act March 12, 2014.
If you have a question about our Privacy Policy, or would like to gain access to information we might hold about you, please contact us at admin@aqualunamedia.com.au. You can obtain more information on Australia’s approach to privacy from the Australian Privacy Commissioner’s website.