Home Single Issues Surfing Life #373 – Summer ’24

Surfing Life #373 – Summer ’24


Nhundu wanhtharra, fellow frother—welcome to another Aussie summer!

No longer slinking in spring’s shadows, summertime vibes intensify as the darkest hours become the shortest and daylight stretches to its longest form. Bare feet dash across sadistic sand, tanned torsos slash through sweaty air and launch into the denim drink, adding more brine to those salt-matted manes.

From December to February, a seething heat beckons all to the sea. To the sea! The Southern Hemisphere’s summer holiday celebrates Christmas and New Year’s with many businesses shutting up shop for their slice of sandy paradise, envious of teachers and students who enjoy six to eight weeks of prime beach time…


Nhundu wanhtharra, fellow frother—welcome to another Aussie summer!

No longer slinking in spring’s shadows, summertime vibes intensify as the darkest hours become the shortest and daylight stretches to its longest form. Bare feet dash across sadistic sand, tanned torsos slash through sweaty air and launch into the denim drink, adding more brine to those salt-matted manes.

From December to February, a seething heat beckons all to the sea. To the sea! The Southern Hemisphere’s summer holiday celebrates Christmas and New Year’s with many businesses shutting up shop for their slice of sandy paradise, envious of teachers and students who enjoy six to eight weeks of prime beach time…

ON SALE NOW at News agencies until March 2025 or while stocks last!
Or purchase in our store.

Additional information

Weight 490 g
Dimensions 295 × 210 × 5 cm


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