Callum Smith
… is a Cronulla born and bred photographer. Think of the heaviest days with Mark Matthews and Kipp Caddy in the lineup. Places like Cape Solander, Voodoo and Shark Island, and Callum will be swimming out there getting the shots.
Pretty impressive for a 15-year old kid who’s only been shooting for a bit over two years. Throw in the fact he’s spent a year of that rehabbing an elbow injury after shooting Shark Island in just a pair of boardies and was decked onto the reef. And it’s even more impressive.
His favourite surfer to shoot is the hard charging Kipp Caddy. Kipp’s blend of style and hunger for wanting the heaviest situation in the water to come to him, is a perfect canvas for Callum to paint with.
His biggest photographic inspiration is his mum, who has been a photographer her whole life. She’s helped him along the way with camera settings and advice and continues to influence his work.
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By braithy