The Yugen – Buri in action

Yugen – Buri

5’5” x 20 3/16” x 2 7/16” 28 L

Shaped By Federico Ponsa

The board sent for the Sled Review was our Buri custom model with special artwork by Brent from
@artofbrentos. Buri is the Japanese name for the yellowtail fish.
The idea behind it is to have a performance twinnie, blending together a fish outline with a narrower tail and channels that allow the board to release and pivot with ease. It is a twin-fin but can be used as a quad as well for more radical manoeuvres. It has a wider outline at the front and fuller shortboard rails. The bottom is flat to a single concave in the middle, to a huge double concave through the fins, completed with a set of extra channels in between the side fins and the trailers, that give the board more release and a better pivot point together with the small swallowtail.

Tested By Matt "Wilko" Wilkinson

This board has my favourite spray. All the Aussie animals are so cool. I think the favourite thing about the board is, it’s like it’s got a couple of jetpacks fixed to the back. It’s got a super deep double concave that goes into a quad concave at the back of the last two fins. It has an off the bottom that feels normal, feels normal … and then it just goes whoosh and shoots you up to the lip with a crazy acceleration like I’d never felt before! The long points are where I believe it would excel the most, because you’d get to feel that turbo boost off every bottom turn. It’s a good fun quad set-up which is already fast and what ever has been done with this concave has multiplied that speed. Such a fun board to ride.

Our two cents...